Saturday, August 15, 2009

COME ON!!!!!!!!

Good Morning New Mexico,
What a gorgeous day today. Steve and I have been here for a couple of days spending time with our friends in the Synergy Worldwide business.

Isaac and Ron Casados have put on a first rate function. We have been educated, fed and edified learning about this wonderful product and seeing people's lives change in such a way that they actually have a full wonderful life. This has been another opportunity to improve our minds and bodies through a natural product.

This also gives us all the chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with others that want only to help all those they love and associate with have a health experience that will blow their minds.

What are we waiting for, for someone we love to die because we were afraid to open our mouths?

Your time really is now to be the difference between just surviving or actually living with JOY!


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